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Kamis, 08 April 2010

SNSD Sunny, "Please put on some makeup" warned

SNSD's member Sunny revealed her story about the trip to an amusement without her manager

SBS' variety program, "Strong Hearts" was aired on the 6th and Sunny shared her secret story about going to
an amusement park with Hyo Yeon, Jessica and Tiffany.

During their break prior to the official announcement of, "Gee" the girls went to an amusement with scarfs but
no makeup. However, there were still some people who noticed them making their trip a bit difficult. That's why
the 4 girls decided to wear the raccoon masks sold by the amusement. In the end, the girls were able to enjoy their
rides with raccoon masks on.

Just before they were planning to go back, a high 180km speed roller coaster caught their eyes. They waited for an hour
for the ride, but apparently in order to get on you had to take off all hats, scarfs and masks. The girls decided that after
waiting for so long, it'd be a waste to not to ride it so they took of their masks and scarfs to enjoyed the roller coaster.

The girls thought their escape went unnoticed, however on the next day their company's atmosphere wasn't so good.
The manager started off by asking, "Did you guys go to an amusement park?" and ended with, "If you were planning to go,
you should have at least put some makeup on" the reason was because pictures of them without makeup was taken at the
amusement park and now on the internet.

Sunny replied, "We really tried to stay hidden, but got caught." and continued on saying "Due to the release of
these pictures, we were warned by our company to use makeup more often." which made everyone laugh.

tr :
SNSD Sunny menungkap cerita tentang perjalanannya ke taman bermain tanpa manajernya.

SBS Strong Heart tayang tgl 6 April dan Sunny bercerita tentang pengalamannya saat pergi dengan Hyo yeon, Jessica, dan Tiffany.

Saat perilisan Gee, mereka pergi ke taman dengan syal dan tanpa makeup. Namun ada beberapa orang yang masih bisa mengenali mereka. Karena itu mereka memutuskan membeli masker rakun dan menikmati permainan disana.

Sebelum mereka pulang, mereka melihat roller coaster 180 km dan memutuskan untuk main. Mereka menunggu satu jam, namun supaya bisa naik mereka harus melepas semua syal, topi dan masker. Karena tidak mau membuang waktu yang sudah dipakai menunggu, mereka memutuskan naik dan melepas semua syal dan masker.

Mereka berpikir kalo merteka tidak ketahuan. Namun satu hari setelahnya, keadaan di perusahaan tidak enak. Manajer mulai bertanya, "Apa kalian pergi ke taman bermain?" dan diakhiri dengan, "Kalau kalian berencana pergi, setidaknya pakailah makeup" karena foto mereka tanpa makeup telah beredar di internet.

Sunny menjawab, "Kami benar2 berusaha untuk sembunyi, namun ketahuan" dan melanjutkan, "Karena foto2 itu, kami diperingatkan oleh perusahaan untuk memakai makeup lebih sering" yang membuat semua orang tertawa.

Original: http://www.tvreport.co.kr/main.php?cmd=new...w&idx=42251
Translator: DjAddick@soshified.com/forums
tr to indo : selina@soshindofated

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